Would you want your claim to fame to be that you attacked a mysterious shooter, at your monthly Board Meeting in 2010, by smacking him in the head with your small (Brahmin) purse? At this Bay District school board meeting, with 300+ people attending, Ginger Littleton chose bravery over safety and did not exit when she had the opportunity to escape. Doors continue to open for her as people recognize that she is the ‘woman with the purse’.

Today, Ginger is brave in so many other ways. As the Director of the STEM Institute at Florida State University in Panama City, Florida, she consistently creates programs that attract students into physics and other STEM subjects. Her most recent accomplishment? The 2019 Nuclear Science Camp in Florida.

“All kids can fly, some just need a longer runway.” – Ginger Littleton


  • When you always question the needs that exist, you can find ways to solve them

  • Remember who you are and what you represent

  • Believe there can be a more equitable playground for all kinds of kids

Connect with Ginger Littleton:

Email: glittleton@pc.fsu.edu

Connect with Gail & Catherine:

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1345166715655554/?notif_id=1583384664776770&notif_t=groups_invite_confirmed_feedback&ref=notif


Email: info@womenover70.com

Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

Twitter: @womenover70

Instagram: WomenOver70

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