These days, Emily Axelrod, age 77, uses the camera to record significant aspects of life, from photos of birds in natural habitat to survivors of the holocaust.  She looks for new ways, whether guiding transformational change in large organizations, coaching women on revealing their talents, exploring nature travel, living with teen-age grandsons, providing support for immigrant families, or chronicling stories of holocaust survivors. A supporter of women’s rights, Emily advises women on ways to speak up and be appreciated. Emily thinks about aging in terms of “keeping up the body-machine” and dancing for as long as she can.

“Transformational efforts in the workplace offer women ways to be seen and appreciated.” – Emily Axelrod

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Co-author with Dick Axelrod (2014) Let’s Stop Meeting Like This: Tools to Save Time and Get More Done.

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Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

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