Our Women Over 70 blog is inspired by our podcast, Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined, where we talk weekly with women in their 70s-100s about issues that matter to women as we age. You can listen to their stories in 8 different categories. This blog focuses on Health and Wellness.

If  we don’t make space to care for ourselves, who will? Our minds, bodies and spirits need constant nurturing to maintain good brain and physical health. We are the only ones who can make it happen! A running theme through our podcasts is how thoughtful these women are in nurturing their health.

They recognize that it doesn’t come easy. Does one have to get sick to bring us up short? We all know about the good endorphins released during exercise. We have to exercise to experience that, however, and first, we need the motivation to do it. This is definitely a case of which comes first!

Many of our guests provide important information on health and wellness. For example, Karen & Marg Graham, Advocate (Ep. #132), are a dynamic mother and daughter team – mother, Marg Graham, 91, and daughter Karen Graham, 61, from Canada. On the show, they discuss their long careers in diabetes care and nutrition, public health and the importance of proactive aging. Karen has written many books on Diabetes care. You’ll find them in the Show Notes of their episode.

What smart ways can we think of to include exercise in our everyday activities? For example:

  • We could park farther away from our destination in order to walk more
  • We might meet friends or colleagues over power walks instead of lunch
  • And, we could plan weekend outings that include exercise

You can easily add to this list. Going to the gym is good for a deeper level of fitness. However, we can maintain a good level by switching things up a bit. Wellbeing has been defined as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy’’ but that doesn’t reveal anything about its multifaceted nature which includes emotional, physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

Let’s take a closer look.

The Women Over 70 community prides itself on connectivity, not only while we meet on Zoom, but throughout the month. Over 750 women have joined the Facebook Group. Members of our Aging Reimagined Circle appreciate  how discussing topics on issues that matter to women, and supporting each other, contribute to their sense of wellbeing. Isolation negatively affects  emotional wellness.

Well-being also comes from speaking your truth. Mindy Greiling (Ep #110), served in Minnesota’s House of Representatives for 20 years (1993-2013), where she campaigned to bring more women into political office. Mindy’s talents in lawmaking and storytelling are evident in her recent book, Fix What You Can: Schizophrenia and a Lawmaker’s Fight for Her Son. When her 21 year-old son was diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder in 1999, Mindy went public, without secrecy or shame. Speaking out for the rights of people with mental illness and their families, Mindy initiated innovative policy and funding for mental health in Minnesota and served on many national and state boards and councils, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

“It’s never too early to look after your brain, but it can become too late.” – Kate Kunkel

Kate Kunkel (Ep # 87), was an early Advocate. She lives in Ecuador, an environment which lends itself to mindfulness, meditation and music. However, no matter where we live, Kate believes the quality of our lives and our health is intimately connected to our diet and lifestyle. Inspired when her Mom became ill with dementia, Kate set her sights on understanding this cruel disease and how to prevent it. Her discoveries led to lifestyle changes that improved her memory and health. Now, Kate guides others to do the same as a vegan nutritionist, health coach and sound therapist.

“The feminine container often creates a feeling of being invisible – stay connected to your power and wisdom.” – Carol Joyce Ph.D.

Carol Joyce (Ep #24), became a psychotherapist after leaving the convent to go in search of her Celtic roots. Like Kate, she believes that music soothes the soul. Carol helps her patients express their feelings through songs she composes and sings to them. 

These are a few of the observations she shared with us.

  • Through our feminine energy we are built to connect with others
  • See yourself from your inner you and resist external forces that can lead to losing yourself
  • It’s so interesting to be a woman and experience the changing patterns of our lives
  • Feminine energy shines when we are in a circle of women friends and colleagues who offer their support, ideas and friendship.   

Another approach to maintain health and wellness that we hear from our guests is to volunteer for social services. Volunteering increases your self-esteem and makes you feel better about yourself. As we know from our podcast guests, purpose is the number one driver that keeps them feeling vibrant and vital.

“Live by choice and not by chance. Have a center that is worth reaching for.”                   Stephanie Kutzen, PhD

And, finally, Stephanie Kutzen (Ep #13), reminds  us that women need self-care and should take pride in doing so. It is important to keep moving forward – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – as we age and learn through our own life cycles. Ambivalence gets us nowhere; each of us can lead where to go from here.

We know you have ideas to share on this vital topic. We’d love to hear them on our Facebook Group

Thanksgiving is here and the holidays are around the corner. As this year comes to a close, we fervently hope that 2022 brings new beginnings, the end of Covid and a return to normalcy. May your Thanksgiving be bountiful. We send love and gratitude to all who shared our Women Over 70 world in 2021, and to all we are yet to meet. Life is an adventure!



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