Rev. Gloria Randolph’s legacy, in addition to the nearly 1000 children she taught as a primary teacher, is the ministry entrusted to her by God, Giving God the Glory Ministries. Gloria’s enthusiasm, boundless energy, and zest for life belie the profound grief she experienced from the loss of 2 children and a grandchild.

“I have integrated death into my life in a seamless way through ministry and legacy.” – Rev. Gloria Randolph

After 34 years as a primary school teacher and administrator, Gloria decided to become a grief counselor, born out of a need to help grieving parents, after the death of her son. She went to seminary to further her education as a pastoral care minister. Gloria understands that “tears are liquid prayer. Everyone grieves but everyone does not mourn. Grieving is what you do on the inside. Mourning is the outward expression of it – walk it out, write it out, yell it out, kick, scream and work it out.”

The mission of Giving God The Glory Ministries is to encourage God’s people by providing them with the spiritual and financial resources to face the challenges of daily living. One of the ways this is accomplished is through the My 2 Sons and Legacy scholarship components of GGG Ministries. This encourages individuals facing the challenges of daily living by supporting efforts to continue their education.

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Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

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