Peggy’s love of life caused her career to move across many paths. She never expected to travel, live in unexpected places or have the life experiences she did. A graduate in biological science/zoology, it was only as field editor for Better Homes & Gardens that she even got close to animals, and these were of the garden variety. At an early age she expected to have a boring life but never wanted to regret it so she decided to push herself, inspired by Georgia O’Keefe’s declaration that “I am always terrified, but I do it anyway.”

Peggy’s story is inspiring and urges us to keep on living the life we are meant to live. Since retiring in 2008, she maintains her enthusiasm for life and describes how she has found her way. “After fifty years of long commutes, high stress work, constant business travel and endless committee meetings, it is a treat to sit quietly in my garden, join clubs I had not had time to explore and read a good book on a winters day with a cup of tea and very good chocolate to keep me company.”

“Retirement is just as much a discovery as previous phases of my life.” – Peggy Keonjiian


  • Be patient – in retirement keep trying to find what stimulates you

  • Make a plan that includes how, and where, you want to live as you get older

  • Do not accept invisibility – determine to remain upbeat, present and seen

Connect with Catherine & Gail




Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

Twitter: @womenover70

Instagram: Womenover70


Abbey’s Closet – (gives away prom dresses)

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute – (Olli programs exist through many universities across the country.)

Senior Studies Institute –

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