Sue Smith’s life has educated her as much as she educates others in her position as teacher, trainer and consultant, first for middle school children, and then 30 years for Keep America Beautiful. Sue recently retired from KAB. The love in her voice as she recounts the exciting career she had with them is reason enough to listen.

For a woman who had a 50-year love affair with her husband, you wouldn’t detect that he recently died from the stories she shares. This is a person who, as she says, was lucky enough to find her passion and purpose living alongside a partner and children who supported her every step of the way. Sue’s positive attitude reigns supreme, allowing her to face new challenges and make an impact on everyone she serves.

“What are the odds that a Michigan farm girl would visit Miramar, Cambodia and Thailand and teach litter prevention, improving recycling and beautification, overseas and throughout the United States?” – Sue Smith

Connect with Sue:


Phone: 312-933-9709

Keep America Beautiful:

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