In this episode:

Gail, Catherine, and Susan explore how Susan’s process for effective change—personal and organizational—emerged through her journey of personal transformation. At age 48, Susan engineered a major life turn, getting her GED so she could leave a corporate job and move into the leadership of nonprofits. Over 12 years, Susan completed numerous college degrees, including a doctorate.

Susan does not gloss over the chaotic, painful stage of change; rather, she offers guidance on how to confront it and move to victory. For Susan, that involves leading, teaching, writing, coaching, and motivational speaking. Susan’s story inspires us all to lead a full life built on our passions.

“My mission is to ignite energy and creativity and generate ah-ha moments to awaken purpose and potential.”  – Susan Neustrom Ed.D.

Connect with Susan Neustrom:




Book: The Comfort Zone Illusion, Leaving Your Comfort Zone is Not So Hard After All, 2015, published by Happy About, Cupertino, CA.

Connect with Gail & Catherine:


Instagram: Womenover70



Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

Twitter: @womenover70

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